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Swedish Delegation Visits the NEC to Discuss Electoral System

Date :11/13/2023Read : 53

The delegation of the Swedish Parliament, Riksdag, on November 2, visited the National Election Commission(NEC) of the Republic of Korea and had a meeting with the Secretary General of the NEC, Mr. Yong-bin Kim. The delegation was led by Deputy Chair of the Committee on the Constitution Mr. Erik Ottoson, and included members of Riksdag from 5 different political parties and the Swedish Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, Mr. Daniel Wolven.

One of the key tasks of the Committee on the Constitution is election-related affairs. Hence, the Swedish delegation visited South Korea and the NEC to benchmark best election practices and systems in a country where democracy functions well.

During the meeting, the Secretary-General and the delegation discussed similarities and differences between the two countries’ electoral systems and shared views on what changes are needed to improve elections and what major election-related issues are in each country. Secretary General Kim highlighted the importance of encouraging voter participation by establishing a system that can represent all citizens.

After the meeting, the delegation of Riksdag visited the Election Promotion Center to understand the election process in South Korea and experience election-related equipment.

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