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Full Election Campaign Period Begins on April 2

Date :04/02/2020Read : 134

= ​Candidates should pay attention to campaigning permitted for elections for constituency members and elections for proportional representation members =

= Voters can campaign through the internet or by email, text message or on social media =

= Sharing or spreading slander or false information on social media can be an election law violation =

= Even if you are eligible to vote on election day, if you are under 18 at the time of the act of election campaigning then you are prohibited from campaigning =


The National Election Commission (NEC) of the Republic of Korea announced that anyone who has the right to take part in election campaigning may freely campaign from April 2, the date of the start of the election period, until April 14, the day before election day. In addition campaigning through the internet or by e-mail and text message is also allowed on election day itself.


A candidate, their spouse (or an immediate relative of the candidate that has been reported instead of a spouse), a campaign manager, campaign staff can wear a sash, or any other promotional material in order to campaign. 


Also campaigning set out under the Public Official Election Act will be allowed such as campaigning using printed material, through media outlets, information and communication networks and through speeches and debates. 


Voters who are allowed to campaign according to the Public Official Election Act can appeal for support for a particular political party or candidate verbally at public places and may campaign through the Internet, by e-mail, text message or on social media.


The main forms of campaigning permitted for candidates and regular voters are as follows:


Campaigning Permitted for Candidates


Using Printed Materials or Facilities


• Candidates may make campaign posters and election pledges and submit them to the relevant Election Commission. They will then post campaign posters in a designated place and send campaign material to every household. 

• A candidate alone or their spouse, immediate relative, a campaign manager or campaign staff campaigning together with the candidate or one designated person together with the candidate may distribute name cards in the constituency.

• Campaign banners numbering up to twice the number of Eup/Myeon/Dong in the election constituency can be set up on the street. 


Speeches or Discussions in Public Places


In addition, a candidate, campaign manager or a campaign staff member (below referred to as candidate etc. excluding candidates in elections for proportional representation members of the National Assembly) or persons who are designated by the candidate from among those who may campaign can conduct speeches or discussions in a public place using a vehicle, vehicle with loudspeakers or a portable speaker. 


Speeches or discussions in public places are allowed from 7am until 10pm, any speeches or discussions using portable speakers are allowed from 6am until 11pm, and the use of recordings is allowed from 7am to 9pm.


Using Newspapers, TV Broadcasts or the Internet)


A party that recommends candidates in elections for proportional representation members are permitted to do the following:


• Broadcast a one minute political advert per TV and radio channel 15 times.  

• Place 20 political adverts in newspapers until April 13.

• Two candidates nominated by a political party for elections for proportional representation members can appear once per TV or radio broadcast for 10 minutes per appearance. 


Candidates for elections for constituency members can broadcast two 10-minute speeches per local TV or radio channel. 


In addition, political parties and candidates may place political adverts for the purpose of election campaigning on the homepage on internet news media. 


Campaigning Permitted for Voters


Voters who are permitted to campaign may:

• Appeal for support for a political party or candidate verbally.

• Campaign through the internet, by email or text message or on social media.

• Participate in campaigning for a candidate as a volunteer.


However, voters:

• May not campaign by using a sash, hat or clothes with the same design or color as candidates or parties, badges, signs, or other materials.

• May not ask for or receive allowances or expenses in exchange for volunteering. 

• May not take pictures inside polling booths of the ballot paper or post the picture on social media.

• Sharing or spreading slander or false information on social media can be an election law violation


In addition, according to a revision of Article 60 (1) 5, full-time employees of public organizations may undertake election campaigning. These National Assembly elections will also be the first time 18 year olds are eligible to vote. Therefore 18 years old eligible voters should be cautious when campaigning because their eligibility to campaign is determined at the time of the act of campaigning. 


Meanwhile during an election period political parties are prohibited from any usual party activities that are normally allowed by Article 37 of the Political Parties Act that promote the party’s policies or current political issues such as the use of any printed materials or facilities, and any posters or other material that have already been posted should have been taken down by April 1.  


The NEC urges all citizens to comply with election law, political parties and candidates to compete fairly based on policies and voters to carefully consider pledges and candidates’character and cast their ballot so these elections can be held in a clean and fair manner


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