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Candidate Registration for By-Elections for the President of the NFCF Closed, 3 Candidates Registered

Date :01/10/2020Read : 32

= Three candidates registered for by-election for NFCF President, four for Standing Auditor =


The National Election Commission (NEC) of the Republic of Korea said three candidates registered for by-election for the President of the National Forestry Cooperative Federation (NFCF), whilst four registered for the by-election for Standing Auditor during the two-day registration period on December 30 and 31. 


After registering, the candidate numbers were chosen by lottery and the campaign period, which began on January 1, will last 13 days.


The election day will be held on January 14 and the online voting (K-Voting) will begin from 10am. In the event that no candidate receives a majority when the votes are counted, a run-off election will be held between the two candidates with the most votes to determine who is elected.


The NEC said that ‘we will manage this election fairly and accurately according to relevant to laws and articles, and establish and operate a resident taskforce to actively prevent, crackdown on and guide against illegal activates.’


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Before By-elections for the President and Standing Auditor of the National Forestry Cooperative Federation will be held on January 14