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NEDBC Holds 2nd Political Party Policy Debate

Date :11/07/2019Read : 49

= Debate held on the topic of ‘what would you do about prosecutorial reform?’ =


The National Election Broadcasting Debates Commission (NEBDC) of the Republic of Korea announced that it held the second round of political party policy debates in 2019 according to Article 39 of the Political Parties Act at the MBC Studio in Sangam from 10am to midday on November 4. 


This political party policy debate was held under the main topic of ‘what would you do about prosecutorial reform?’ 


Participants in the debate were:


• Song Ki-hun, National Assembly member from the Minjoo Party of Korea. 

• Jun Hee-kyung, National Assembly member from the Liberty Korea Party. 

• Choi Won-shik, Chairperson of Strategic Public Relations Committee of the Bareunmirae Party.

• Park Won-seok, Chairperson of the Policy Committee of the Justice Party.

• Kim Kwang-soo, National Assembly member from the Party for Democracy and Peace. 

• Oh Kyung-hoon, Secretary General of the Our Republican Party.

• Sohn Sol, Chairperson of Human Rights Commission of the Minjung Party.


The debate was broadcast live on MBC, KBS1, KTV, YouTube (on the NEC and NEBDC channels) and can be watched again on the website of the e-TV, the NEC’s own election channel (including on and the NEBDC website (

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