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‘Communicate and Enjoy!’ 2019 Voters Festival

Date :11/04/2019Read : 41

= Included 96 voter groups holding 82 programs =


The Korean Civic Education Institute for Democracy (KOCEI) announced that it held a two day "2019 Voters’ Festival" on October 25 and 26 at the KOCEI training center in Suwon City under the slogan "A Politics made by Voters, A Festival Voters can Enjoy."


This event, which is marking its second edition this year, which has been held since last year to contribute to the development of a sound voter centered democratic politics as a festival of communication and harmony involving voters and politicians.


The opening ceremony featured a congratulatory speech by Kwon Soon-il, Chairperson of the National Election Commission (NEC), and a celebratory performance symbolizing voters with light, and a performance depicting the interaction between voters and politics.


In particular, 96 voter groups related to women, youth, multiculturalism as well as culture and arts prepared 82 programs, including: 


• Policy community for discussing democracy in daily life

• Academic seminar on elections and politics

• Voters'' contest to promote participation in elections and politics

• Various hands-on events and cultural and artistic performances under the theme of "election and politics"


Major programs included  ‘public hearings on university student’s bills,’ where young people make their own bills and suggest them to lawmakers, the ‘2019 political startup competition,’ where participants put forward various ideas on how to participate in elections and politics, and "read election reports together and become news anchors,’ where participants could experience writing election reports and being news reporters.


In addition, the 2019 International Symposium on Civic Education for Democracy, which has been held annually since 2005 by KOCEI, was held along with the event to promote international exchange and cooperation on civic education for democracy. Under the theme of ‘Sustainable Methods of Civic Education for Democracy’ experts from Korea and around the world, including from Germany and Norway, participated in two sessions.


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