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Candidate Registration held for the Election for the Chairperson of the Korea Federation of SMEs Ends, Five Candidates Registered for the Position.

Date :02/15/2019Read : 90

= Three candidates registered in the election for the Chairperson of the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives, five for the Standing Auditor of the National Forestry Cooperative Federation =


The National Election Commission (NEC) of the Republic of Korea announced that five candidates registered as a result of the two-day registration period that was held on February 7 and 8 for the 26th Election for the Chairperson of the Korea Federation of SMEs (KBIZ). In addition, candidate registration closed on the same day for the 25th Election for the Chairperson of the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives and the 14th Election for the Standing Auditor of the National Forestry Cooperative Federation, which had three and five candidates for each position respectively. 


Now the registration process has been completed the candidate numbers on the ballot paper will be decided by drawing lots and campaigning will begin in full. 


The Election for the Chairperson of the Korea Federation of SMEs will be held on February 28 and the Election for the Chairperson of the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives and the Standing Auditor National Forestry Cooperative Federation will take place on February 22. The elections for positions at the Korea Federation of SMEs and the National Forestry Cooperative Federation will use online voting (K-Voting). 


If no candidate receives a majority of votes, then a run-off election will be held between the top two candidates and the person with the most votes in the run-off will be elected. 


The NEC said it would manage entrusted elections fairly and accurately in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the relevant organizations. Also, all candidates and voters were urged to strictly abide by the relevant laws to establish a clean electoral culture.


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