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NEC Announces Comprehensive Response Plan Related to the Expansion of Voting Rights to 18 year Olds

Date :02/03/2020Read : 64

= Discussions took place at the general planning meeting on January 15, including discussions on the comprehensive management measures for the 21st National Assembly elections =


The National Election Commission announced a comprehensive response plan in reaction to the expansion of voting rights to 18 year olds. As concerns grow over confusion in the educational scene due to the lowering of the voting age, the NEC has formed a TF team (election participation support group for 18 year olds) to respond swiftly and systematically and prepared measures to create a free and fair election participation environment for ‘voters in school uniforms.’ The main points announced were:


1. For Advanced Guidance and Preventive Measures Reflecting the Special Characteristics of the Field of Education


• Prepare and provide information material on election law focusing on operating standards and cases that are applicable to places of education.

• Provide detailed guidance and take preventive measures made from diverse perspectives in association with educational institutions and parental associations.

• Provide election campaign information material to political parties and candidates.


2. For Public Relations and Education Centering on Communication and Empathy


• Provide election information through sharing content in collaboration with social media influencers and using media most used by young people such as rap music and webtoons.

• Conduct outreach election training at schools by producing and distributing campaign teaching materials and training and securing dedicated personnel.  

• Encourage law-abiding elections and voluntary participation by using posters, banners and home correspondence


3. To Ensure Fairness by Responding Strictly to Misconduct


• Establish a reporting network and set up and operate a dedicated call center.

• Take strict measures, including pressing charges, against illegal activities using a person’s special education status or relationships 

• Handover minor misconduct by students to schools or the NEC may admonish or take corrective action or use severe punishments in cases of repeat offences. 

• Guarantee a student’s right to education and human rights  upon unavoidable investigations into offences


Meanwhile, the NEC held a meeting that was attended by the Standing Commissioners and Director Generals of Si/Do Election Commissions on January 15 to discuss comprehensive measures to manage the 21st National Assembly elections. The main goals for the 21st National Assembly elections is to undertake accurate and flawless election management, to achieve free, just and fair elections and to increase in participation in elections through the strengthening of communication with citizens. In particular, the NEC said it will make all-out efforts to provide and promote election information to prevent confusion among voters due to the revisions of the Public Official Election Act such as the introduction of a mixed-member proportional representation system (MMP) and the lowering of the voting age.


At the meeting the NEC said: 


1. In order to guarantee voters’ right to information, the NEC announced it will strengthen customized education and public relations based on changes in the election and promote policy elections by providing a ‘policy issue map’ based on big data analysis. The NEC will also make more effort to promote voting participation by the socially disadvantaged, including the elderly and the disabled. 


2. Due to concerns that the introduction of the MMP system would greatly increase the number of parties participating in the election, the NEC said that it is thoroughly prepared by repeating mock voting and counting and is considering increasing the equipment and human resources available for the election. 


In addition the NEC stressed that if a party fails to submit the required documents to the NEC when registering candidates to prove  proportional representation candidates were selected in a democratic manner such as minutes of party meetings or the party constitution and party regulations, it will not accept the registration, and if the party violates the internal regulations that stipulate the recommendation procedures, it will be strictly dealt with according to the law, including possibly invalidating all candidate registrations made by the party. 


3. The NEC has decided that among the various possible election crimes, it will focus on five major election crimes: 

• Vote-buying and bribery

• Gifting of goods related to candidate recommendation

• Publishing slander or false information

• Illegal election activities by civil servants and others forbidden from doing so

• Illegal election surveys 


It plans to ensure free expression of opinions and participation in elections by voters, political parties and candidates, but to create an atmosphere of fair elections by enforcing the law strictly against violations. In particular the NEC will take decisive action against illegal election activities by civil servants, including charging cases irrespective of rank. In this regard, the NEC provided information to ministries and agencies regarding the obligation of public servants to remain neutral in elections and decided to take stern measures by providing high rewards to those who report organized election crimes.


In addition, the NEC expressed regret over a few suspicions raised about the possibility of manipulation of voting and counting and the neutrality of the commission, adding that it will sternly respond to any future acts that aim to spread confusion among the public with subjective and groundless false information and disrupt the order of the elections.


An NEC official said “for the past 60 years, the NEC has carried out its constitutional duty of ‘fair management of elections; in a strictly neutral and consistent manner,” as well as promising “the National Assembly elections will also be managed fairly, accurately and transparently in accordance with the law and principles so that all stakeholders can confidently accept the results” and asked people to support the NEC’s fair management.​ 

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