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KOCEI Hosts 13th Political Camp for Future Leaders

Date :08/03/2017Read : 364

= 120 high school students from around the country, including those recommended by head teachers, participated = 


The Korean Civic Education Institute for Democracy (KOCEI) hosted the 13th Political Camp for Future Leaders at the International Youth Center Youth Hostel from July 18 to 20.  


The Political Camp for Future Leaders, launched in 2005 to nurture healthy young political leaders with democratic values, kicked off its thirteenth edition this year with enthusiastic participation from students.


120 high school students from all over the country experienced a decision-making process based on democratic procedures during the camp, including developing their own policies on ''solving smartphone addiction'' and then picking the best through discussions. 


The students were split into five groups and came up with a variety of solutions including enforcing a mandatory installation of mobile use time widgets such as a ''mobile diet app,'' using public service advertisements to prevent smartphone addiction, holding smartphone use education programs for parents, introducing a smart phone addiction counseling center, conducting a culture day campaign, and opening an anti-addiction school.


In addition, there were opportunities for the students to build up their ambition to lead Korea in the future through diverse programs such as visits to the National Assembly and cultural locations. 


Park E-nok, a student at the Political Camp, said "I participated in the camp with anxiety and pressure to compete with a large number of students. However, I passed the program through coming together to find solutions rather than beating the competition and I think the program really helped me” adding "It was very rewarding and I want to come back."


KOCEI announced that it hopes the students who participated in this camp had a good opportunity to cultivate their desire to practice political participation through various programs and to learn democratic leadership and KOCEI hopes they grow into democratic citizens to lead the country into the future.





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