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Secretary General Kim Yong-hi Retirement Speech

Date :11/21/2016Read : 313

My dear Commission family members!


Today I leave the post as Secretary General and leave the Commission which has been like everything of my life. 


I knew that my time to leave was coming, but standing here saying goodbye to all of you, I have mixed feelings and I feel chocked up.


The long journey over the past 30 years as a public official was a time filled with agony, perseverance, and some regrets, but at the same time it was a precious time that brought joy, fulfillment and happiness.


I wish to sincerely thank you all of my seniors and colleagues who have been with me together for such a long time.


Commission family members!


Our Commission has achieved remarkable growth for the past half a century since inception. But the road we have walked has been tough.


Even until the end of the 1980s, when the democratization was in full swing, the only elections managed by our Commission were Presidential elections and National Assembly elections, and most of our work was simple administrative and procedural duties on election. Also, our local Commissions were small, with only three of four members of staff on the frontline to manage these elections.


Above all, what was frustrating was the limited power and lack of potency of our Commission to stand up to election fraud, which resulted in the people''s distrust of election management..


Illegal fund-raising by political parties and candidates was prevalent, and voters accepted it as a natural to receive money or gifts.


But our commitment and effort has changed all of this.


The elections we manage has now expanded to include not only Presidential elections and National Assembly elections, but also local elections, elections for school superintendents, elections for heads of cooperatives, and even elections in people’s daily lives. 


Also, by making the right to investigate and regulate into law, we have become a truly constitutional body that has been achieving clean and fair elections by boldly acting against election fraud.


In addition to increasing the number of employees, our Commission also has a variety of affiliated organizations, making it a true election agency.


It is now history that political parties and candidates receive funding from companies, and the voters now reject even gifts as small as one grain of rice from a candidate.


Despite many concerns, the whole process of voting is open to the public, raising the transparency of the election and the public''s confidence.


We also took the initiative in establishing the Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB), a leading international organization in the field of elections. By doing this we now leading the spread of democracy around the world, supporting the election systems of transitional democracies and introducing advanced election technology.


All of these accomplishments are because of your passion and effort. Once again I want to express my appreciation and respect to you all. I was very happy to be with you during this glorious and historic process.


Commission family members,


I leave the Commission with great honor today, but considering the sacrifice and devotion you have shown throughout our time together, my heart will never leave here.


Above all, I leave with one great regret that I could not embrace all of you and be more considerate of each member of staffs’ happiness individually. I wish to take this opportunity to express my apologies.


Nevertheless, even though I am leaving the Commission, I will always think about the hope and future of you and the Commission.


Our Commission has always been given the calling of the time to ensure fair and transparent elections and the development of democratic politics, and this is the basis of our existence.


Despite incredible development we have shown to reach to today, people’s expectations have risen and they are demanding change, and we know that there are still many challenges of our own.


The pace of change in our society has accelerated so much, and the lifestyle and values of the people have been diversified along with it.


In step with these changes, our Commission should also make efforts among the people to advance our work that is optimized to win support from the people. Now is the time for greater vision and planning.


Commission family members, 


I know very well how passionate and strong you are.


Now leaving the Commission, I hope you shoulder our new vision and the tasks. I am confident that together with the competent incoming Secretary General, our Commission will take another great leap forward and have an excellent future in the coming days.


I sincerely look forward to all the staff coming together in one mind to create a ''happy workplace'' and a ''workplace to be proud of.'' 


You have worked incredibly hard, and I wish you and your family great happiness.




Thank you. 

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