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Chairperson of the NEC Kwon Soon-Il Delivers Message to Citizens on Achieving ‘Beautiful Elections’

Date :04/02/2020Read : 223

= Election holds special significance because it coincides with the 60 year anniversary of the April 19 Revolution and will become an important turning point for the future = 

= NEC will prepare and carry out measures to ensure voters can cast their ballots without concerns about their safety =

= Should Participate in this election with a mature civic consciousness and great responsibility and the people will show that this country belongs to them=


Kwon Soon-il, the Chairperson of the National Election Commission (NEC) of the Republic of Korea gave his ‘message to citizens’ on April 1 in connection with the 21st National Assembly elections to be held on April 15 at the main office of the National Election Commission, Gwacheon.


The announcement was made to explain disinfection measures and preparations for the management of elections so that voters can cast their ballot safely ahead of the start of the election campaign period after candidate registration held from March 26 and 27 closed with 41 political parties and 1,430 candidates having registered.  


The full text of his message was as follows:


Message to Citizens on Achieving ‘Beautiful Elections’


Dear honorable citizens!


The 21st National Assembly elections are two weeks away.


Starting today, political parties and their candidates will begin election campaigning.


The entire nation has suffered severely from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) for over two months now. I, on behalf of the National Election Commission (NEC), send my condolences to all citizens.


In particular I wish to express the NEC’s thanks and ongoing support to medical staff, volunteers and public servants who are devoting themselves day and night to disinfecting the virus and treating patients at the frontline of the outbreak.


In the past, Korea overcame many national crises through unity and cooperation among the people. Likewise, I also believe the collective wisdom of the Korean people can help overcome the ordeal of COVID-19. 


This election holds special significance because it coincides with the 60 year anniversary of the April 19 Revolution. It will become an important milestone on the path to the Korea of the future.


With the belief that ‘disinfecting as much as possible is the best election management,’ the National Election Commission will prepare and carry out measures to ensure voters can cast their ballots without concerns about their safety.

Also, the NEC ensures voters that all polling stations will be disinfected thoroughly.


Those who have been confirmed with cases of COVID-19 and applied for home voting may cast their vote where they are residing, including their hospital or care center. 


For those who have been confirmed with cases of COVID-19 after the home voting registration period ended, the NEC will set up special early voting stations to ensure everyone can exercise their right to vote. 


On election day, voters will have their temperature checked at the entrance to polling stations, and special temporary polling booths will be set up for those with high temperatures.


Dear citizens! 


In the Republic of Korea, all power comes from the people.


The principle of sovereignty can only be realized through people’s participation.

Electing representatives who will lead Korea with hope depends on every single vote by citizens. 


The NEC strongly encourages citizens to cast their valuable ballot after carefully reviewing the policies and pledges presented by political parties and candidates.

To parties and candidates, the NEC asks you to complete on a level playing field by abiding by laws and presenting plausible policies and pledges to voters.


The NEC also urges all public officials to keep their neutrality in all cases in order to avoid becoming embroiled in misunderstandings about interference in these elections.


The National Election Commission will manage these elections fairly with firm neutrality and take stern measures against any violations of laws pertaining to elections.


All election-related staff, including NEC staff, polling and counting station officials and observers are encouraged to fulfill their duties with a sense of duty and responsibility in managing these important elections for the nation. 

Dear honorable citizens!


Elections are the heart of democracy.


When voters can make informed choices, a democracy of hope and unity will fully bloom. 


I believe your participation in this election with a mature civic consciousness and great responsibility will bring together the will of the people and achieve a social unity, and by doing so the people will show that this country belongs to them.   


Thank you.


Kwon Soon-il

Chairperson of the National Election Commission of the Republic of Korea


Press Releases
Next   COVID-19 Response Measures Ahead of the 21st National Assembly Elections
Before Candidate Registration Period for the 21st National Assembly Elections Open March 26 and 27