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KOCEI Holds Training for Invited Election Officials from Myanmar and Peru

Date :11/02/2017Read : 331

The Korean Civic Education Institute for Democracy (KOCEI) announced that it is conducting training on the election system of Korea until November 2 to the Myanmar and Peruvian election officials.


The training, which began on October 25th, is being conducted to strengthen the competencies of foreign election officials and includes learning about the Republic of Korea''s election system, an introduction of civic education for democracy, and an opportunity to experience cutting-edge voting and counting equipment.


KOCEI said that it hopes that this training will be a practical help to the development of democracy in the participating countries and an opportunity to strengthen exchange and cooperation with the Republic of Korea.


Since 2006, KOCEI has invited and hosted training for 481 election officials from 51 transitional democratic countries targeted at passing on expertise on Korea’s election system, election management techniques, and civic education for democracy. KOCEI also supports the establishment of action plans for improving the election management of participating countries. 




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