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Election Officials from Mali and Papua New Guinea Learn About Korean Elections

Date :11/08/2016Read : 334

= KOCEI hosts training for foreign election officials =


The Korean Civic Education Institute for Democracy (KOCEI) hosted a training program for election officials from Mali and Papua New Guinea where they learnt about the Korean election system for nine days from October 26 to November 3. 


During this program, election officials from Mali and Papua New Guinea gained knowledge on Korean elections, including the election system itself, election management methods, and voting and counting systems. They also developed action plans for improving election management in their home countries and had an opportunity to experience Korean culture. 


This training program for foreign election officials, in which 441 election officials from 46 countries have participated in since 2006, was the third training program this year after  a program in April for two EMBs from Africa (Cameroon and Kenya), and in July a program for two EMBs from the Middle East (Iraq and Palestine) was also held. 


KOCEI expects that partnerships with the participating election officials will contribute to strengthening of democracy and advancing the election system in other democracies by spreading Korea’s advanced election ICT equipment such as early voting and the optical scan sorting and counting machine system. 



Training program for election officials from Mali and Papua New Guinea opening ceremony

Mali and Papua New Guinea election officials list to a lecture

Election officials from Mali and Papua New Guinea participate in a demonstration of early voting

Election officials from Mali and Papua New Guinea participate in demonstration of touch-screen voting 

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