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Secretary General of NEC Visited AEC & EC of New Zealand

Date :08/19/2013Read : 272

Secretary General of NEC Visited AEC & EC of New Zealand


The Secretary General of the National Election Commission of Republic of Korea (NEC) Moon Sang-Boo paid a visit to his counterparts in Australia and New Zealand.


On August 2, he had a meeting with Robert Peden, the Chief Electoral Officer of the Electoral Commission of New Zealand. It was the first time ever for NEC to visit the Commission in Wellington. During three and a half hours talks, the two heads shared experiences in wide ranges of electoral issues and introduced the electoral system of each other’s country. Secretary General Moon encouraged New Zealand to work together for the further advancement of democracy through the Association of World Election Bodies, A-WEB.



Mr. Moon also had talks with the Electoral Commissioner of the Australian Electoral Commission Ed Killesteyn on August 6. They discussed the electoral challenges that Australia and Korea face and how to educate the general public about the value of democracy and the importance of election. In addition, the Secretary General gave the AEC the confidence to join forces in the successful launch of A-WEB.



Moreover, Secretary General Moon spent time at Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House and had a meeting with Director of the museum, Mr. Daryl Karp. As NEC is planning to establish a museum of election history, they talked about a variety of matters in running a museum and manage visitor programs.





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