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KOCEI Opens New Training Center in Suwon

Date :11/28/2017Read : 440

The Korean Civic Education Institute for Democracy (KOCEI) held an opening ceremony for its new training center in Suwon on November 24, beginning a new era of civic education after three years of preparation. 


The opening ceremony was attended by more than 250 officials from the NEC and other invited guests including NEC Chairperson Moon Sang-boo and Secretary General Kim Dai-nyeon, Member of the National Assembly for Suwon City Second District Back Hyeryun and Suwon Major Yeom Taeyeong, the heads of the education training centers for the major political parties and representatives of educational and civic groups.


NEC Chairperson Moon Sang-boo said “I think that it is very meaningful to hold the opening ceremony here in Suwon after the end of the election training center''s Jongno era.” He also said "in order to promote democratic civic education more effectively, KOCEI will faithfully carry out its role as the backbone of civic education for democracy in Korea by expanding cooperation with related organizations and civic groups as well as diversifying educational programs.


On this day, the KOCEI declared a new vision for the institute, ‘Cultivating Democratic Citizens to Open the Republic of Korea Tomorrow,’ which means it will be a place for the realization of tomorrow’s democracy beyond today and a new tomorrow where Korean democracy begins again.


KOCEI said that, as a center for civic education for democracy, it would contribute to fostering democratic citizens who are the center of a democratic nation and called for the interest and cooperation of citizens and organizations from all levels. 



Moon Sang-boo gives his congratulatory remarks



KOCEI presents its new vision



Ceremonial picture at the opening center of KOCEI’s Suwon training center


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