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The NEC Hosts Members of Parliament from Abroad as Part of a Korea Foundation (KF) Program

Date :09/16/2015Read : 312

Seven Parliamentarians from six countries, including the Speaker of the Kenyan Senate Ekwee Ethuro, visited the National Election Commission (NEC) as part of the Korea Foundation’s (KF) 2015 Invited International Parliamentarians Introduction Program on Tuesday 8th of September.

The Vice-Chairperson of the NEC Lee Jong-Woo began the meeting with welcoming remarks, and the visitors watched a video introducing the Korean election system before taking part in a question and answer session on their topics of interest regarding Korean elections.  The visitors also toured the Commissioners Meeting Room and listened to an explanation of the organization, mission and roles of the NEC.

The delegation visited Korea from the 6th to the 9th September, during which they will gain a better understanding of the country’s politics, society and culture by visiting major cultural locations. During the program they listened to lectures about the current situation in Korea and visited sites such as the National Assembly, DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) and the National Museum of Korea.




Press Releases
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