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MOU with the Australian Electoral Commission

Date :06/30/2010Read : 365

The National Election Commission(NEC) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Australian Electoral Commission(AEC) on June 8, 2010. Dr. Ki-Sun LEE, the Secretary General of the NEC, visited the AEC with other three NEC officers to join the signing ceremony.


The NEC and AEC have maintained cooperative relationship since the NEC delegation’s visit to AEC to collect information regarding Australian electoral system in 2009. After the NEC delegation’s visit to AEC, the discussion on MOU of two EMBs consistently developed and it eventually brought to fruition. Mr. Ed Killesteyn, the Commissioner of AEC, and other members of the AEC joined the ceremony and had delight confabulation on sustainable relationship of two EMBs with the NEC delegates.


The MOU between AEC and NEC will contribute to expand the scope of exchange and cooperation. Based on the MOU, the two EMBs will carry forward to various plans such as sharing election management skills through election observation programmes, hosting seminars dealing with election system, election culture and civic education programmes etc.




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