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Chairperson Issued Statement for the 5th Nationwide Local Elections

Date :03/15/2013Read : 181

Mr. Sung-Tae YANG, the Chairperson of the NEC, released a statement to the nation on May 19, 2010 regarding the 5th Nationwide Local Elections. The statement aims to emphasise the appropriate roles of candidates, voters and public officials to carry out the local elections successfully as the election campaigns are starting to set in from May 20, 2010.

In the statement, the Chairperson requested voters to make a rational decision considering pledges since the local elections determine public officials in local communities adhering strongly to voters’ everyday life. In addition, the political neutrality of public officers was revisited and the ban of public officers’ intervention in the local elections was also stressed. Last but not least, the Chairperson made a pressing demand for candidates’ election law-observance for the clean and fair election on June 2, 2010.




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