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Goodwill Visit from Zambian Electoral Commission

Date :06/07/2010Read : 292

The chairperson of Zambian Electoral Commission(ZEC), Madame Florence Mumba, made a call on the NEC on May 13, 2010.

Ms. Mumba had a talk with Dr. Kyung-Keun KANG, NEC’s Standing Commissioner, and had a discussion session with Mr. Sang-Boo MOON, Chief of Planning and Coordination Office, on Korean election system. Ms. Mumba presented a lot of interest in Korean election laws which stipulate certain proportion of women candidate nomination by political parties. Additionally, Ms. Mumba had a chance to operate the Touch-Screen Voting Machine which was developed in 2006 by the NEC. Although it has not been introduced in the Public Elections, the accuracy and credibility are guaranteed based on the utilisations in entrusted elections of political parties, unions, etc. for around 2,600 times. 

After looking around the Commissioners’ meeting room, Ms. Mumba visited the Election Situation Room for the 5th Nationwide Local Elections. She did her trial voting at the model polling station established inside of the situation room and operated the Automated Ballot Counting and Sorting Machine. In addition, she had an interview with one of the Korea press, KBS, dealing with her visit to the NEC.

It was indeed productive time to share experiences and knowledge of two election management authorities. The NEC would like to contribute to the development of election management in Zambia in a long-term through the increase of mutual exchange.






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