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Ruling Party’s Ms. Lee Becomes Proportional Representative of the National Assembly

Date :03/15/2013Read : 155


The NEC announced that it decided Ms. Lee Young-Ae, who is the 27th on the ruling party list for proportional representatives, as a seat successor of Kim Guem-Rae, the ruling party’s proportional representative of the National Assembly on 4th October, because of a vacancy notice from the Speaker of the National Assembly.


<If the office of a proportional representative of the National Assembly becomes vacant, the Speaker of the National Assembly shall notify the President and the National Election Commission thereof and the National Election Commission shall decide the person to succeed to the vacant seat in the order of the party list for the proportional representatives of the National Assembly to which the vacant seat belonged at the time of his/her election, within 10 days after it receives the notification of such vacancy.



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