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16.32 Million Voters to Participate in Early Voting, the Highest Turnout of 36.93% in History

Date :03/07/2022Read : 304

• 24-hour CCTV monitoring for storing the ballot boxes (in-district, out of district, and by post) till election day

The National Election Commission of the Republic of Korea announced that 16,323,602 out of the whole number of 44,197,692 eligible voters cast their ballots for the 20th presidential election (early voting) held on March 4 and 5, marking a turnout of 36.93%.

This figure shows an increase of 10.87 percent points from 26.06 percent early voting turnout of the 19th presidential election.


< Early Voting Turnout in the Past>


20th Pres


(March 9, ‘22)

21st NA Elections

(April 15, ‘20)

7th Nationwide Simultaneous Local Elections

(June 6, ‘13)

19th Pres Election

(May 9, ‘17)

20th NA Elections

(April 13, ‘16)

Number of Ballot Cast






Voter Turnout







When looking by Si/Do, Jeollanam-do marked the highest with 51.45 %, and Gyeonggi-do marked the lowest with 33.65%.


The number of voters from the early voting polling stations of Seoul Station(11,657), Yongsan Station(11,917), Incheon International Airport (7,465 at Terminal 1, and 4,385 at Terminal 2) exceeded the average number of voters from the early voting polling stations nationwide, which is 4,583.

The number of voters casting their ballot outside their registered district of Gu/Si/Gun is 3,897,576 which has take up 23.9 % of the whole number of early voting voters. The total number of 595 voters cast their ballots on March 5 at the special early voting polling stations set up in each public health center from metropolitan city of Seoul and Busan, and province of Gyeonggi, Chungbuk, Chungnam, Jeonbuk, Jeonnam, Gyeongbuk and Jeju.


Additionally, the NEC said that after early voting is closed, the early voting ballot boxes containing only ballot papers cast by voters within their registered district, and the ballot boxes by post that include the ballots cast by outside their registered district, and ballots from overseas, shipboard and home voting will be stored in a separate location with CCTV in the relevant Gu/Si/Gun election commission office.


Early voting ballot boxes with ballots cast within their registered district will be transferred to the counting stations after 19:30 on election day (after the end of voting) accompanied by counting observers, election commissioners recommended by political parties, and police officers.


The return envelops with the ballots cast outside their registered district are handed over to the relevant post office after the end of early voting under the presence of early voting management staff and the observers recommended by each political party to be sent in certified mail to each relevant Gu/Si/Gun election commission.


Everyday, the ballots sent by post (early voting ballots cast outside their registered district, ballots by overseas voting, shipboard voting and by home voting) shall be received and put into mail voting ballot boxes and stored in controlled area at the relevant Gu/Si/Gun election commissions in the presence of election commissioners recommended by political parties.


The CCTV used is equipped with video encryption and anti-fabrication technology to ensure the transparency and integrity of storage and management. Also, the NEC monitors storage 24 hours a day at the Integrated Control Center in the Election Situation Room at the NEC main office.



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