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Election Campaigning for the 20th Presidential Election to Begin at the Full Scale from February 15

Date :02/22/2022Read : 239

= Voters permitted to engage in election campaigning with spoken words, by phone, or through internet, social media or text messages =

The National Election Commission (NEC) of the Republic of Korea announced that anyone who has the right to conduct an election campaign may freely engage in campaigning during the election campaign period from February 15 to March 8, using the means that are not limited by the Public Official Election Act (referred to as the Act hereinafter).


A candidate, his/her spouse, a campaign manager, and campaign staff can wear sashes, jackets, labels, or any other promotional materials for an election campaign. Also an election campaign that uses printed materials, facilities, speeches and interviews in public, and media outlets is permitted by the means set under the Act.


Voters who are allowed to wage an election campaign can appeal for support for a particular political party or a candidate verbally or by phone except on the election day, and they may campaign through the internet, by e-mail, social media, or text messages even on the election day.

The main forms of campaigning permitted for candidates and general voters are as follows:


▣ Campaigning Permitted for Candidates

<Using Printed Materials or Facilities>


• Candidates may make campaign posters and bulletins, and submit them to a relevant election commission. The relevant commission will then post campaign posters in designated places and send out campaign bulletins to every household.

• A candidate, his/her spouse, a lineal ascendant or descendant, and a campaign manager or campaign staff campaigning together with the candidate may distribute name cards.


• Campaign banners numbering up to twice the number of Eup/Myeon/Dong in the election constituency can be set up.


<Speeches or Interviews in Public Places>


• A candidate, a campaign manager, a campaign liaison officer or a campaign staff member (referred to as candidate etc. hereinafter), or a person who is designated by the candidate from among those who may engage in campaigning can conduct speeches or interviews in public places using vehicles and loudspeakers.


• A candidate etc. can participate in indoor events organized by others from time to time and have speeches or interviews.


<Using Press Media, or Information and Communication Network>


• Newspaper and broadcast advertisements are allowed.


• Broadcast speech is allowed through TV or radio.


• Advertisements for the purpose of election campaigning can be placed

on the homepage of internet news media.


• Text messages can be sent out by means of automatic broadcast communication; e-mails can be sent out by an entrusted e-mail dispatching agency.


▣ Campaigning Permitted for Voters and Points to be Considered


Voters who are permitted to campaign may:


• Appeal for support for a political party or a candidate with spoken words or by phone except on the election day


• Campaign through the internet, by e-mail (social media included), or text messages on the election day


• Participate in campaigning for a candidate as a volunteer.

However, voters:


• May not campaign by using sashes, hats or clothes with the same design or color as candidates or parties, labels, signs, or other materials.


• May not ask for or receive allowances or expenses in exchange for volunteering.


• May not take pictures of the ballot paper inside polling booths or post the pictures on social media.


• May be considered to be violators against the Act if they share or spread slanders or false information on social media

Meanwhile, during an election period political parties are prohibited from any usual party activities that promote the party’s policies or current political issues by using any facilities etc., and any materials such as banners that have already been posted should be taken down by February 14.

The NEC urges all citizens to comply with the Act, political parties and candidates to compete fairly based on policies, and voters to carefully consider pledges and candidates’character and cast their ballot, so that this election can be held in a clean and fair manner.

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