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151 Polling Stations for Re and By Elections to be Held on April 3 Confirmed, Voting Information and Election Bulletins Sent Out

Date :03/26/2019Read : 56

The National Election Commission (NEC) of the Republic of Korea announced that 151 polling stations have been confirmed for the re and by elections to be held on April 3 and have also sent voting information and election bulletins to each household, including the candidates’ election pledges.


The details are as follows:  


• The location of the polling stations (including the early voting stations) can be found in the voting information that were delivered to each home, the NEC website ( or in the ‘election information’ mobile app.


• The NEC will use the same polling stations that were used during the 7th nationwide simultaneous local elections unless there are special circumstances so that the voters are not inconvenienced when finding their polling station. For reasons including that the original polling station is operating business during weekdays, 7.9% or 12* polling stations had to be changed.

* Reason for change: Original polling station had to operate in usual business times during the week (ten polling stations), issue with voting facilities or access (two polling stations).


• If the polling station has changed, notices will be placed in the relevant areas, including at the original polling station, to actively inform voters of the new location. 


• In addition, if a severely handicapped person is unable to make it to their polling station during the early voting period (March 29 and 30) and on election day, they can apply to their relevant Gu/Si/Gun Election Commission for the assistance of a moving vehicle and an assistant to help them get to the polling station. 


• When you go to a polling station, you must take a valid form of identification, and you can vote more conveniently if you know your elector number listed on your voting information.


In addition voters should not just check the voting instructions, but also the election bulletins including the candidates’ election pledges:


• The election bulletins contain information useful to voters to select candidates including not only candidates'' property details, military service, past five years'' tax payment and arrears as well as any criminal records, but also their policies and pledges.


• The election bulletins sent to each household by mail can also be checked on the NEC’s policy and pledges information website ( up to election day. 


• Before going to the polling station, the NEC asks voters to carefully check the election bulletins and to all participate in voting actively. ​ 

Press Releases
Next   Early Voting for Re and By-Elections to be Held on March 29 and 30.
Before Candidate Registration for the Re and By-Elections to be Held on April 3 Complete, Average of 4 Candidates per Elected Position