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The 22nd Overseas Voting for National Assembly Members. Overseas Voter

writer : 운영자 Registration Date : 2023-09-26

Information on overseas elections that only tells you the core of the matter

- Elections outside the country -

You, who report and apply, are the pride of the Republic of Korea.

Who are the overseas electors?

People who want to vote in foreign countries who have not been registered in foreign countries, who have not been registered

* Including resident registration termination

* Even those who were born on April 11, 2006

Overseas voters who want to vote abroad must apply for (change) registration by 2024.02.10!

Please remember that!!

If you participated in the 20th presidential election in 2022, you can participate in the voting without a separate registration application process!

However, it must be listed on the permanent list of overseas electors.

Hold on!

Method of checking whether the permanent list is registered

1) Access

2) Permanent Register of Overseas Electors - Inquiry of Permanent Register of Electors

If it is not viewed in the permanent list, you must apply for registration as an overseas voter!

Don't forget that you have to apply for a change if you have any changes such as your address~!

Simply and quickly apply online ( )

STEP01 Confirmation of resident registration number

STEP02 Validation of E-mail Address

STEP03 Completion of report and registration application

Application completed

Don't forget to check the results after applying!

Various methods of applying for registration of overseas electors (change)

Application on the Internet

Visiting the official residence in person * Only family members can apply for agency

an e-mail or mail under one's name

*Contact the relevant official residence


Who are the foreign absentees?

How can I vote? When is the reporting period?

an overseas absentee

Republic of Korea 18 years of age or older with resident registration

a person who wishes to vote in a foreign country as a civilian

Even those who were born on April 11, 2006

* Even those who were born on April 11, 2006

Find out more in the next episode!