The Voting Abroad website of the National Electoral Commission was created following the guidelines for standardization and accessibility to web content (KICS.OT-10.0003 / R1) to ensure access to different web environments (OS) of the world.
Likewise, to guarantee better access to the Internet for people with disabilities, the elderly and others with difficulties in perceiving information, the web page was created respecting the web access standard (more than 85 points in K-WAH3. 0). Furthermore, to facilitate access to people with visual problems and the elderly, we operate the Microsoft (MS) system and Internet Explorer browsers and applications to expand the web content.
This website was created based on the 14 international standard articles and contains screen readers and other peripheral units to facilitate access for people with disabilities.
All the attached documents provided by the website are also available in HWP and PDF formats, and the corresponding reading programs can be downloaded from the same page.
We inform users that it is possible to read the table of contents of electronic books (e-book) and not all the material on the website with the available program readers.
We also inform you that the attached documents provided by the website are available in HWP and PDF format and not in text format.
We do not have subtitles or scripts for the video files we supply on the website.