Overseas Election System

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Types of Elections and Voting Eligibility

writer : 선거2과

Korean citizens aged eighteen years of age or older have the right to vote in the Presidential elections and National Assembly elections. 

Below are types of elections in which overseas Koreans can exercise their voting rights. .



Scope of exercising voting rights of overseas Koreans
Scope of exercising voting rights of overseas Koreans
Voter Election in which the voter has the right to vote
Overseas Voters

An elector who is not registered as a resident in the country 

  • Presidential elections
  • Election of proportional representative members of the National Assembly due to the termination of the membership
Overseas Absentees A person who is registered and managed as a Korean national residing abroad
  • Presidential Elections
  • Election of proportional representative members of the National Assembly due to the termination of membership

A person who is registered as a Korean national (excluding persons registered as a Korean national residing abroad)

  • Presidential Elections
  • Election of proportional representative members of the and constituency members of the National Assembly due to the termination of membership
  • If a permanent resident registered as an overseas Korean wishes to vote abroad, he/she is subject to reporting as an overseas absentee.
  • Re-elections and by-elections for National Assembly members, local elections, national referendums, and residents’ referendums are not held overseas.