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Public Notice on the Period and Place for Public Inspection

writer : 관리자 Registration Date : 2012-11-08

No. 2012-340

Public Notice on the Period and Place for Public Inspection of Overseas Voters List

According to the 「Public Official Election Act」 Article 40 (3) and Article 218-10 (1), we publicly announce that the period and place for public inspection of overseas voters list of the 18th Presidential Election on Dec 19th, 2012 as below.

Nov 7, 2012
National Election Commission of Republic of Korea

1. Public Inspection Period : from November 10th through November 14th
2. Public Inspection Hours : available 24 hours during the period
3. Website Address for Online Public Inspection,
4. How to do Online Public Inspection
   Visit the website of National Election Commission(
   or Overseas Voting(, click the 「public inspection」 page, and enter your personal informaion(name, date of birth) to ascertain whether you are on the list.